EAGLE Kick-off meeting, Rome 2-3 April 2013

Accademia-dei-Lincei RomeThe EAGLE Kick-off Meeting will be held at the Accademia dei Lincei, Via della Lungara, 10, 00165 Rome, on April the 2nd 2013.

EAGLE is a Best Practice Network (36 months project) funded by the EC.


EAGLE is a Best Practice Network (36 months project) that brings together the most prominent European institutions and archives in the field of Classical Latin and Greek epigraphy, to provide Europeana with a comprehensive collection of unique historical sources which constitute a veritable pillar of European culture.

In particular, it will supply inscriptions coming from 25 EU countries, providing more than 1.5 M of images and related metadata, including translations of selected texts for the benefit of the general public. These represent approximately 80% of the total amount of inscriptions in the Mediterranean area.

Information about Accademia dei Lincei is available on its website, which can be reached by clicking on the following link: Accademia dei Lincei.

There will be a technical meeting on April the 3rd, 2013. This second encounter will be held at the Ex Vetrerie Sciarra at Sapienza University of Rome, Via dei Volsci 122, 00185, Rome

Information about Sapienza is available through the University’s website, which can be reached by clicking on the following link: Sapienza, University of Rome.

The Kick-off meeting is reserved to the partners.

More information on the meeting here

More information on Eagle Project here


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