Pietro Masi

Pietro Masi


Born in Castelvetrano (TP), 7/7/1951

Married, one daughter

Master of Art

Master of Art. Founder and General Manager of Promoter.

Curator of the "All Our Yesterdays. Life through the lens of Europe's first photographers (1839 – 1939)" Exhibition, under the framework of the EuropeanaPhotography project. All Our Yesterdays is the great occasion to discover how citizens in Europe lived before Europe was born, in a moment of great change, while the future was approaching and a new medium – the photography – was capturing everyday life within a picture. The exhibition is hosted by Museo della Grafica, under the patronage of Pisa Municipality, Pisa University and Tuscan Region. More information: www.earlyphotography.eu

Editor in Chief of the www.digitalmeetsculture.net online magazine. Executive director of several multimedia productions.

Collaboration to European Projects of Promoter S.r.l. for the coordination of the project managers, organisation of the data gathering activities, support to the dissemination.

Manager of the design & development of added-value services for online tourism marketing, with a special focus on targeting small and micro enterprises that operate in the rural tourism sector.

Delegation to the Human Resources at Promoter S.r.l.

Responsible for strategic planning, marketing and organisation of events.

He participated in several events and projects as Coordinator for logistics, for promotion and organization. Manager of contemporary art exhibitions in Central and Northern Italy.

Owner and director of Podere San Ferdinando in Ghizzano di Peccioli (Pisa), agriturismo, olive-growing, horse breeding.

Download the full CV (PDF)


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