E-Space creative marketing workshop. Pisa, 9 October 2015

market-adverThe E-Space creative marketing workshop "Digital Culture, Social Media and Innovation for the Cultural Heritage" is taking place in Pisa on 9 October 2015, to explore different ways of communicating cultural contents with the use of new media and show how a greater audience can be reached by combining the power of social media and storytelling. The event, hosted by Fondazione Sistema Toscana in cooperation with Invasioni Digitali, is being held in the framework of the Internet Festival.

Read more: E-Space creative marketing workshop. Pisa, 9 October 2015

RICHES policy seminar. Brussels, 19 October 2015

riches policy seminarThe Policy Seminar of the RICHES project "NEW HORIZONS FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE – Recalibrating relationships: bringing cultural heritage and people together in a changing Europe", organised in cooperation with the Project Officer, will be held at the Nowotny Auditorium, Covent Garden building of the European Research Council, 16 Place Rogier, Brussels, on 19 October 2015, from 2 pm to 5 pm. Scope of the seminar is to discuss how the project can provide insights to support evidence-based policymaking in Europe.

Read more: RICHES policy seminar. Brussels, 19 October 2015

6th EAGLE international event. Bari, 24-25 September 2015

6th century Kannada inscription in cave temple number 3 at Badami"Off the Beaten Track. Epigraphy at the Borders" is the sixth in a series of international events planned by EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy).
This initiative is organised in Bari, from Thursday 24 September to Friday 25 September 2015, with the support of the Department of Classics and Late Antiquity Studies at the University of Bari "Aldo Moro".

Read more: 6th EAGLE international event. Bari, 24-25 September 2015

Riches Final Conference: Amsterdam, 14-15 April 2016

Identity Matters: enriching heritage to meet a new era.

Borders blur. Disciplines merge. Barriers come down. The 21st century is a time of repositioning, and there is a key role to play for heritage. How do we (re)present ourselves, our public, our archives, our countries and our institutes?

This is the liet-motiv of RICHES final conference, presenting the project results together with inspiring keynote speakers who will reflect and explore collaboratively future visions of heritage. Participation was central, also with experience of inspiring examples first hand in the city of Amsterdam: through urban safaris and visits to heritage sites, all conference participants got to see best practices in action and policy recommendations were delivered to support this.

Read more: Riches Final Conference: Amsterdam, 14-15 April 2016


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