Civic Epistemologies Roadmap presented in Rome

civic in rome

On Wednesday the 13th January 2016, in the beautiful “Biblioteca delle Corporazioni”, hosted in the premises of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project organised an encounter to present the “Roadmap for Citizen Researchers in the Age of Digital Culture”, the main outcome developed by the project.

A selected number of different stakeholders were invited to the meeting.

The experts had the opportunity to discuss about the value of engaging citizens in the research, and about the role that artists can have in terms of introducing innovative practices and mediating between sectors of the society, which are not used to work together.

The discussion, stimulated by the project’s representatives, was very interesting because the selected audiences, coming from different areas of expertise in CH, had the possibility to explain their points of view about “citizen engagement”.

The experts discussed also about next opportunities offered by the EC funding in this area and how the feedback collected may open interesting prospective in this framework.

The meeting has been filmed by TG CULTHER, a newscast which addresses the themes around the cultural heritage. An interview with Antonella Fresa (Director of Promoter srl) has been released on You Tube channel and is available below (in italian language).


Read more and see the slides presented by the speakers:


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