RICHES for achieving impact through SSH

Ocean-wave-220x171Unit B6 "Reflective Societies" of DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission (EC) is currently working with the project IMPACT-EV on a report aimed at evaluating the social, political and scientific impacts of SSH research from a SSH perspective, in order to illustrate the relevance and importance of SSH research in our societies. RICHES recently gave its contribution to the survey by delivering to the EC and the IMPACT-EV consortium a review of its scientific and research activities.


6 publicationsparticipation in many conferences around Europe and outside (by invitation or submission), to present the project, disseminate its key messages and its underway activities and to establish new collaborations and synergies with SSH-sector experts and professionals; organisation of 2 workshops, 3 co-creation sessions, one international conference, one seminar and one international meeting; underway international collaborations with 4 other projects; launch of a national e-learning project; employment of 37 researchers (out of them 16 junior researchers)...Such so far the main outcomes of RICHES, which next year is concluding its lifetime with the objective to trigger a process of political developments and social improvements...Stay tuned on the RICHES website and blog!


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