Promoter invited to Agorà 2013, Siena 26-27 september 2013


The annual event organized by Polis (Polo di Innovazione delle Tecnologie per la Città Sostenibile – Innovation Pole of the Technologies for a Sustainable City) was held in the Engineering College of Siena’s University on the 26th – 27th September 2013. Two days of debate about the “Smart Specialization Strategy” general topic, structured on the three Polis themes MOBILITY (flow management and planning of the transport processes), CULTURAL HERITAGE (preservation, management and use) and SUSTAINABLE BUILDING (new building materials, energy systems): the talk was focused on technology, tourism, urban logistics, culture, storytelling, agrifood, green cities. The main Tuscan firms, experts and national and international excellences of the field took part in the event.

Read more: Promoter invited to Agorà 2013, Siena 26-27 september 2013

Promoter's magazine Digitalmeetsculture.net is media partner of Lu.Be.c. 2013

Lubec2013-200x193Promoter’s magazine www.digitalmeetsculture.net is media partner of the important event Lu.Be.c. 2013

VENUE: Lucca, 17-19 october 2013

"CULTURA: password for future"

Meetings, exhibitions, training, previews and international presentations at the Real Collegio of Lucca

Organised by Promo P.A. Fondazione, Lu.Be.C. - Lucca Beni Culturali – is the international meeting dedicated to the knowledge and development of cultural heritage – technology – tourism, which takes place every year in Lucca, in the third week of October.

Promoter participates to LuBeC 2013 with a presentation (PDF, italian language) of dr. Antonella Fresa about the creative re-use of digital cultural content and best practice for private-public-partnerships. Details here-->

More information:

Follow Lu.be.c.-2013 on Digitalmeetsculture.net

Promoter @ International seminar Photography – Museum Narratives, Warsaw 14-15 october 2013

Warsaw organizers

On 14-15 October 2013 the National Museum in Warsaw is going to host the international seminar Photography – Museum Narratives. The seminar is organized by the Archaeology of Photography Foundation, in collaboration with the National Museum in Warsaw and  National Institute of Museology and Collections Protection.

Dr. Antonella Fresa has been invited to attend the meeting as EuropeanaPhotography Technical Coordinator. She took a presentation (PDF, 1,35 Mb) related to the project.


Read more: Promoter @ International seminar Photography – Museum Narratives, Warsaw 14-15 october 2013

Promoter @ 2nd EUDAT International Conference, Rome 30 october 2013


The last days of October will see the important event in Rome of the 2nd EUDAT Conference.

The Eternal City will set the backdrop for this gathering of international data infrastructure providers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss the opportunities offered through the Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) supported by EUDAT.

Read more: Promoter @ 2nd EUDAT International Conference, Rome 30 october 2013


What we do

Promoter is a valuable partner in international project management, ICT and business innovation, online publishing and promotion. 

Promoter is publisher of Digitalmeetsculture online magazine and of Promoter Digital Gallery, a collection of heritage and contemporary photographs.

Focus on

The interactive magazine where culture and digital technology collide.

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